Instructions for using Bluetooth card reader

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The 9eSIM eLPA mini program based on wechat is use for our eLPA tool. eLPA mini tool is a hardware tool we developed for people which those phone not supported eSIM.

eLPA mini program user guide.

step 1

supply a DC 5V power for eLPA tool used by a USB type c cable.

step 2

scan the mini program QR below by wechat.

step 3

Enter the main screen. Pull down the screen OR tap the icon of “eLPA”. It will search and connect the eLPA tool automatically.

NOTE: The permission of bluetooth, location must be enabled.

step 4

(Optional) While connected the eLPA tool. If you want to download profile from mobile operator. You should choose an available access point (AP) for the eLPA tool, AND, only 2.4G WiFi are available for the eLPA tool. It can be you home router or your phone shared AP. Please input the SSID and password of AP, then tap the “Set” button to setup the AP of eLPA. And, tap the “Get” to get the current AP info from eLPA. While the WiFi connection state turn to green, that means the eLPA tool connect to AP success.

NOTE: again, only 2.4G WiFi available.

If you are only use the eLPA tool to manager the profiles on your removable eSIM, this step are optional.

step 5

Back to the main screen. Pull down the screen will refresh the profiles and eSIM information. (Do not do this too quick, 10 seconds inverval be recommend.)

Long press the profile can toggle the profile state(Enable or Disable). Also, you can slide left to do this, additinal a DELETE operate hide in it. Be carefully to delete a profile from your eSIM. It can not be recovery the deleted profile.

NOTE: A deleted profile can not recovery. Most operator do no support a eSIM activate QR code be download twice.

step 6

You should process the notification manually. (We will process it automatically in the future.) After download, install, enable, disable the profile, you should process and then remove the notification manually. Otherwise, it will tack some space to store those Info.

Tap “Notification”, It will load the notifications from your eSIM, and then tap “Process All”, then tap “Remove All”.

One response to “Instructions for using Bluetooth card reader”

  1. Mingzhen Wu avatar
    Mingzhen Wu


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